10 Effective Literature Homework Study Tips For 5th Graders

If you are studying in fifth grade and you fear that literature homework is going to be the biggest roadblock for you ahead, here are some pragmatic tips for you to nail it. First of all, do not assume that studying literary work requires someone to be a verbose speaker of the language. With your basic knowledge of the language, you can read, comprehend and analyze literary works, with little help from your mentors and mates would be good enough. Here’s how to go about it.

  1. Outlining the literary work structure: For this, you need to determine the rising action, the climax of the literary work, and the falling action as well. This way, you can easily establish the central themes and characters, the plot etc.
  2. Know the protagonist and antagonist: It is very important for a literature student to identify the protagonists and the antagonists at the very beginning. By doing this, you can easily analyze how their inherent characteristics become the cause of conflict.
  3. The action that develops from the conflict: Next you have to determine what actions arise from the conflict (s) between the protagonist and the antagonist.
  4. The problems faced by the lead characters: The rise of conflict will lead to a number of problems that the main characters will face. You have to find out these problems.
  5. Were the characters successful in achieving their goals? You need to check whether the characters were successful in achieving their individual goals. For this, you can read a sketchy summary of the main text.
  6. Look at the character patterns: looking at the plot or character patterns will help you understand how these patterns culminate in the climax or a resolution.
  7. Take note of symbols and metaphors: Metaphors and symbolism are of great importance in literature discourse. You need to take note of the metaphors and similes used in the main text. You can go online to find more about metaphors and symbolism in a particular literary work.
  8. What is the cultural or historical context of the literary work? This helps in determining the objectives of the author or playwright in a great way.
  9. Reviewing the finished work: It is equally useful to review the work once it is done.

If you have a doubt or you do not really know how to proceed after a point, you can get quick help from this resource. This agency helps professional the students of literature with study materials and homework help.